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Mariana Rios Palafox

Catalyst, Consultant

Mariana Bio Photo
What brought you to RE!NSTITUTE?

Before joining RE!NSTITUTE, I worked in education, justice, health, and women's empowerment in non-profits in the United States and Mexico. My previous work gave me an opportunity to broaden my skills in project management, program implementation, and building partnerships to better serve and engage communities. Throughout my work in different sectors and prior studies, it became clear that those closest to the problems need to have a voice and be involved in the solutions presented to tackle any social issue looking to be resolved. 

As I learned about the work of RE!NSTITUTE it became clear to me the work was impactful and was listening to those living the problem. The approach to social issues through systems change was incredibly interesting and impactful. I am proud to work at RE!NSTITUTE, I have the opportunity to work across communities to achieve results and sustainable change. Being a part of this, and being a catalyst for change has been an incredible journey, and I look forward to what is to come. 

What’s your current role?

Over the last three years, I have facilitated and coached 100-Day Challenges in the Criminal Justice System in different states throughout Mexico. Catalyzing the work of frontline teams who have achieved incredible results in the justice sector tackling crimes such as gender violence. I continue working in Mexico in this sector and believe change is possible when the right conditions exist. 

Currently, I am leading a project in the Dominican Republic where we are training staff from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) to implement 100 Day-Challenges. At the same time, we will be facilitating two 100-Day Challenges, the first one with the country's Health System. Through this training initiative, INTEC trainees will be able to continue to implement 100-Day Challenges to create a positive impact on social issues in the country. 

I am also working on a 100-Day Challenge in Philadelphia on housing and homelessness.

What do you love about your role and RE!NSTITUTE?

I love knowing that the work I am involved in will positively impact the world. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work at an organization that sees people as people. Always looking to improve and become a better team.

Where will we find you in your free time?

You can find me with my friends or family spending quality time together, eating good food and enjoying the city. I love meeting new people, traveling, and discovering new things in the city.